We are really excited to introduce what we have in store for this year! Our campaigns are focused on facilitating sustainable lifestyles, promoting change-making and raising awareness of 6 topics chosen by our members.
Have a read to find out about our projects and if you're interested in getting involved you can join our society and members' group. Feel free to contact us if you'd like to learn more or have any ideas!
Thank you so much to our members, as always, for your enthusiam and commitment!

Intersectional environmentalism 'identifies the ways in which injustices happening to marginalized communities and the earth are interconnected' (Leah Thomas). Although this is something we want to emphasize and live by in all of our projects, we created a project group as it would allow us to tackle specific issues where the intersection of social rights and climate change are especially important. Additionally, we hope to emphasize the necessity for accountability, acceptance, and intersectionality in activist efforts to our BTC members and our broader community. Environmental activism is not possible without highlighting the disproportionate effects climate change, environmental politics, and climate change solutions have on different peoples. Climate change is a social issue.
Committee members: Elena and Jack

This project aims to combat the environmentally destructive and unethical implications of the fast fashion industry. An issue we are keen to look at this year is greenwashing, which is marketing something as 'environmentally friendly' to mislead consumers into buying products that are still damaging. We have ideas of upclycling and swapping clothes, giving tips for second hand shopping, providing ways to check the sustainability of a brand, and promoting local businesses. You can follow our group on Instagram!
Committee member: Anya

This year we have introduced a wellbeing project, based on raising awareness of Eco-Grief and Climate Anxiety. We hope to provide a platform and some ways for people struggling with these ever-growing issues to cope with and discuss their thoughts and worries! We have set up an Instagram account which you can follow here!
Committee members: Emily and Merryn

Within the sustainable food projects, we want to continue with the ban beef campaign and build upon what we started last year before the interruption. We have keen members who are getting started on this already. We also want to continue the ‘hungry for change’ Instagram page. There are also more new members to the facebook page and there are opportunities for more projects for them to start.
We will also be starting up the VegShare boxes again, providing you with local, fresh and organic veggies each fortnight (pandemic permitting)!
Committee members: Amber and Matara

Our waste project group is keen to push for more water refill stations on campus and in Exeter, and also want to do a campaign on reintroducing the use of reusable coffee cups as many places have stopped accepting them due to COVID-19. We'd love to do an art project and campaign, similar to the eco brick project last year, raising awareness of the impacts of single-use masks.
Committee members: Becky and Zee

This project aims to promote the University's divestment from fossil fuels and scrutinising their current approach. In addition, we are working to extend this to divestment from other polluters/offenders, and promote positive investment alongside this!
Committee members: Zee and Jack